AI & Application IntegrationNewcastle + Sydney

Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Human Experience

Artificial Intelligence + Application Integration = HyperAI

At HyperWeb, we believe in the power of intelligent technology to enhance human experiences and to improve business efficiency. Combined, we are able to increase business revenues and decrease operational costs. We specialise in building smart websites that are not only visually appealing and user-friendly, but also powered by cutting-edge AI and application integration solutions. This enables us to deliver a seamless and intuitive user experience, driving engagement, satisfaction, and, ultimately, business growth.

With over 20 years of experience, we know our code + UX. One of our specialities is AI & Application Integration Development.

HyperAI: Your AI-Powered Customer Service Agent

HyperAi is the cornerstone of our “smart website” strategy. This AI-driven customer service agent provides 24/7 support, offering personalised and efficient assistance to your website visitors. HyperAi leverages natural language processing to understand and respond to queries in a human-like manner, seamlessly integrating with your existing knowledge base for accurate and up-to-date information.

Key Features & Benefits of HyperAI:

  • Customisable natural language responses, strict control to avoid irrelevant information, customisable look and feel, and flexible integration options throughout the website with dedicated application and support.
  • Enhanced search experience by providing contextual answers, reasoning, recommendations, and relevant links with a call to action, even if the search term is not explicitly present in the content.
  • The service is accountable and reportable, allowing for measurement of activity through Google GA4 Events, and offers dedicated development and ongoing support from HyperWeb developers.
  • 24/7 customer service, an in-person-like online experience, voice-to-text functionality, integrations with CRM systems, and benefits for brand, marketing, and SEO efforts.
  • Personalised Experiences: HyperAI learns from interactions, providing tailored responses and recommendations.
  • Improved Efficiency: Free up your human support team to focus on complex issues, while HyperAI handles routine inquiries.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: Faster responses and personalised interactions lead to happier customers, boosting brand loyalty.

Application Integration: Connecting the Dots

Beyond HyperAI, we offer comprehensive application integration services. We understand that businesses rely on a variety of software applications, each playing a crucial role in their operations. Our expertise lies in seamlessly connecting these applications to your website and each other, creating a unified and efficient ecosystem.

Application Integration Benefits:

  • Streamlined Workflows: Automate data transfer and processes between your applications, eliminating manual tasks and errors.
  • Centralised Data Management: Access and analyse data from various sources in a single location for improved decision-making.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Foster better communication and collaboration across departments through integrated systems.
  • Cost Savings: Reduce operational costs by eliminating redundant data entry and streamlining processes.

Building the Future of Smart Websites

We are committed to pushing the boundaries of digital experiences. Our AI integration and application integration capabilities empower us to build websites that are intelligent, responsive, and tailored to your specific needs. By seamlessly blending technology and human interaction, we help businesses thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

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We’re a small team of web and marketing nerds based in Newcastle, NSW, Australia, with over 20+ years of helping businesses grow online. We simplify the jargon and are here to support you on every step of your digital journey with our friendly, down-to-earth and proven approach.

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newcastle website developers

20+ years in business

500+ websites developed

200+ long-term clients

Try to our new AI-powered help tool! We’ve built this to make finding information on our website easier and faster than ever before.
