
Book Review – Atomic Habits by James Clear

Atomic Habits by Entrepreneur James Clear is a highly practical, almost step-by-step guide to habit forming with an eye on greater goals. The book is about at how small, atomic, changes…

The Strategy Underpinning a Website

I am currently reading the seminal book on User Experience (UX), The Elements of User Experience, by Jesse James Garrett. Often referred to as The Elements, this book sets out…

Book Review – The Art of War by Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu’s Art of War has been considered a staple business text for people wishing to hone their strategic thinking in approaching their competitive marketplace. The text was written in…

Book Review – Think First by Joe Natoli

Last year, Jes and I attended the UX Australia conference in Sydney. What is UX you ask? UX sits nice and snug between users’ needs and business needs. In its…