Don’t know what to say about your business? Your copywriter will.


What is copywriting? In essence it is the art of writing great copy, that sells.

As someone that owns or runs a business, you very well may know that your website is one of the most important marketing tools you’ll ever have. When it comes to the design and development of your website, aesthetics are important. However, it’s the copy that’s written that holds all the power. Copy enables influence and presents things in such a way that people will say “I want that”.

When a user lands on your website, it takes all of three seconds for them to form an impression. How important is it that they use the first 2 seconds reading the generic headline “Welcome to Blah Blah”. Perhaps once upon a time this friendly welcome provided comfort and friendliness. Nowadays these first 3 seconds are crucial for audience captivation, with this opening space able to be utilised for real impact, real results copy.

Copywriting utilises sales, emotive and persuasive techniques to lure, entice and engage the audience with a purpose for action. Copywriters work with businesses to help market their business more effectively, making their products sound so compelling that the consumer just has to have it. Not just any product or service, THEIR product or service.

Not only that, but copy needs to appeal to Google and other search engines when ranking your page. If getting on page one of Google is important to you, then SEO copywriting is the essential marketing booster you require. The words you use will determine how well you rank so it’s critical you use the right words that sell you in the right way.

If you know what needs to be said but don’t know how to say it, or if you are looking for a level of professionalism with your copy, or simply do not have the time to create captivating copy then ask us about our in-house copywriting services, now available to all clients old and new. Contact Hyperweb today, your design, development and copy specialists.

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