A Hyper 17th Birthday to us!

It all began in a spare room in a house in Nelson Bay, a friend gave me the book ‘html for dummies’, some software, and suggested I should learn how to make websites and help him with his business site. More of that story for more of a milestone occasion.
Hyper Birthday to us, 17 years later, we have seen it all since 2000. HTML, Micrografx, tables, frames, FirstPage, digital cameras, reverse engineering and redeveloping a perl shopping cart, flash, early CSS, our own custom php/mysql CMS products & jsp CMS, Dreamweaver, php, web 2.0, the iPhone, Mambo – Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, Magento, CSS 3 & responsive development, MySpace, YouTube, blogging, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, HTML5, iPad, Android, app development, UX, digital marketing, Instagram, Snapchat, and we will continue to roll with changes in technology and provide the best solution for our clients.
Thanks to all our clients, our team, contract developer & designer friends, our supporters, collaborators, partners, & suppliers for being with us over what is a long time in this industry. A steady growth story picking up pace.

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Smart Websites with HyperAi

Have you ever wondered if there was a Chat GPT that is focussed just on your business and your products and services? HyperAi is here. HyperWeb has developed a new…